Jonathan C. West photography

This is about me taking a 52 Week Photography challenge. I am supposed to take photographs of my interpretation of the given themes. Here goes nothing! Wish me luck?

52 Week Challenge- “Drops of Water”


This is one of those themes that could be represented in a lot of different ways. I have seen water beaded up on what looked like glass. I have seen the drops of water hanging from the limbs of a tree. I’m sure we have all seen the macro pictures of the drops of water with the image of something reflecting in the droplet of water. All of which are great images to look at when you come across them.

I chose to use some shots I have of a recent shoot I took for “The Ultimate Ski Lake” here in Estero FL. I like the sense of motion from the droplets of water.  This was a two part shoot. One part real-estate so they could have the shots of the empty lots for their listing and another part for the website to advertise the ski lake.So, if you’re reading this and you know a water ski lover that’s looking to have house on a few acres on a private ski lake then their property awaits.

I have known the lady in these pictures for a couple years now but did not know that she was once a nationally ranked competitive water skier. I know nothing of the sport other than I couldn’t get out of the water on a ski no matter how hard I tried. That was many years ago but I still remember. Although I know nothing of the sport I was able to see that this gal was in the zone as she attacked the slalom course and I didn’t see anything that resembled a mistake in my eyes. So I hope you enjoy the pictures of her and her driver that took a few turns at the course as well



2 thoughts on “52 Week Challenge- “Drops of Water”

  1. Great interpretation of the theme. A nice change. Love the look on the mans face. 😀


  2. blown up to larger size the water is amazing!


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